• Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab.
  • College of Intelligence and Computing
  • Tianjin University

    Jiajun JIANG (姜 佳君)

    Associate Professor (Tenure-track)

    Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab.

    College of Intelligence and Computing
    Tianjin University

    Office: Room A317, Building #55, Tianjin University (Beiyangyuan Campus)


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    [Google Scholar | DBLP]

    Note: The authors marked with "#" are equal contributors to the paper and their names are sorted in alphabetic order by last or first name, marked with "*" are corresponding authors.

    [ISSTA24a]Can Graph Database Systems Correctly Handle Writing Operations? A Metamorphic Testing Approach with Graph-State Persistence Oracle [PDF]
    Shuang Liu, Junhao Lan, Xiaoning Du, Jiyuan Li, Wei Lu*, Jiajun Jiang, Xiaoyong Du
    In: The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, September 16-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria
    [ISSTA24b]Fuzzing MLIR Compiler Infrastructure via Operation Dependency Analysis [PDF]
    Chenyao Suo, Junjie Chen*, Shuang Liu, Jiajun Jiang, Yingquan Zhao, Jianrong Wang
    In: The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, September 16-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria
    [OOPSLA24]Dependency-aware Code Naturalness [PDF]
    Chen Yang, Junjie Chen*, Jiajun Jiang, Yuliang Huang
    In: Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, OOPSLA, October 20-25, 2024, California, United States
    [ISSTA24c]A Large-scale Empirical Study on Improving the Fairness of Image Classification Models [PDF] [Tool]
    Junjie Yang, Jiajun Jiang*, Zeyu Sun, Junjie Chen
    In: The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, September 16-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria
    [TOSEM24]Mapping APIs in Dynamic-typed Programs by Leveraging Transfer Learning [PDF] [Tool]
    Zhenfei Huang, Junjie Chen, Jiajun Jiang*, Yihua Liang, Hanmo You, Fengjie Li
    TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2024
    [TOSEM23a]A Post-Training Framework for Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Models via Model Transformation [PDF] [Tool]
    Jiajun Jiang, Junjie Yang, Yingyi Zhang, Zan Wang, Hanmo You, Junjie Chen*
    TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2023
    [TOSEM23b]Variable-Based Fault Localization via Enhanced Decision Tree [PDF] [Tool]
    Jiajun Jiang, Yumeng Wang, Junjie Chen*, Delin Lv, Mengjiao Liu
    TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2023
    [ISSRE23]Can Code Representation Boost IR-Based Test Case Prioritization [PDF]
    Lin Yang, Junjie Chen*, Hanmo You, Jiachen Han, Jiajun Jiang, Zhe Sun, Xinqi Lin, Fang Liang, Yuning Kang
    In: The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, October 9-12, 2023, Florence, Italy
    [TOSEM23c]Toward Understanding Deep Learning Framework Bugs [PDF]
    Junjie Chen, Yihua Liang#, Qingchao Shen#, Jiajun Jiang*, Shuochuan Li
    TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2023, 32(6):1-31
    [ISSTA23]Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication via Three-Dimensional Analysis [PDF]
    Chen Yang, Junjie Chen*, Xingyu Fan, Jiajun Jiang, Jun Sun
    In: The 32nd International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, July 17-21, 2023, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 677–689
    [ICSE23a]Achieving Last-Mile Functional Coverage in Testing Chip Design Software Implementations [PDF]
    Ming Yan, Junjie Chen*, Hangyu Mao, Jiajun Jiang, Jianye Hao, Xingjian Li, Zhao Tian, Zhichao Chen, Dong Li, Zhangkong Xian, Yanwei Guo, Wulong Liu, Bin Wang, Yuefeng Sun, Yongshun Cui
    In: The 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (Software Engineering in Practice), May. 14-20, 2023, Melbourne, Australia, pages 343-354
    [ICSE23b]Compiler Test-Program Generation via Memoized Configuration Search [PDF]
    Junjie Chen, Chenyao Suo, Jiajun Jiang*, Peiqi Chen, Xingjian Li
    In: The 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, May. 14-20, 2023, Melbourne, Australia, pages 2035–2047
    [ASE22]Toward Improving the Robustness of Deep Learning Models via Model Transformation [PDF] [Tool] [Media]
    Yingyi Zhang, Zan Wang, Jiajun Jiang*, Hanmo You, Junjie Chen
    In: The 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Oct. 10-14, 2022, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, pages 1-13
    [FSE21-C]Accelerating Redundancy-Based Program Repair via Code Representation Learning and Adaptive Patch Filtering [PDF] [Media]
    Chen Yang, Jiajun Jiang, Junjie Chen
    In: The 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (Student Research Competition), Aug. 23-28, 2021, Athens, Greece, pages 1672-1674
    Student Research Competition Award (Gold in undergraduate category)
    [FSE21]A Comprehensive Study on Learning-based PE Malware Family Classification Methods [PDF] [Tool]
    Yixuan Ma, Shuang Liu*, Jiajun Jiang, Guanhong Chen, Keqiu Li
    In: The 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (Industry), Aug. 23-28, 2021, Athens, Greece, pages 1314-1325
    [ICSME21]Interactive Patch Filtering as Debugging Aid [PDF] [Tool]
    Jingjing Liang, Ruyi Ji, Jiajun Jiang, Shurui Zhou, Yiling Lou, Yingfei Xiong*, Gang Huang
    In: The 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, September 27 - October 1, 2021, Luxembourg City, pages 239-250
    IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Award
    [ICST21]A Large-scale Study on API Misuses in the Wild [PDF] [Tool]
    Xia Li, Jiajun Jiang*, Samuel Benton, Yingfei Xiong, Lingming Zhang
    In: The IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, April 12–16, 2021, Virtual, pages 241-252
    [JOS21]Survey of Automatic Program Repair Techniques [PDF]
    Jiajun Jiang, Junjie Chen*, Yingfei Xiong
    Journal of Software (In Chinese) 2021,32(9):2665−2690
    [ICSE21]Semi-supervised Log-based Anomaly Detection via Probabilistic Label Estimation [PDF] [Tool]
    Lin Yang, Junjie Chen*, Zan Wang*, Weijing Wang, Jiajun Jiang, Xuyuan Dong, Wenbin Zhang
    In: The 43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, May 25-28, 2021, Virtual (originally in Madrid, Spain), pages 1448-1460
    [FSE20]How to Mitigate the Incident? An Effective Troubleshooting Guide Recommendation Technique for Online Service System [PDF]
    Jiajun Jiang, Weihai Lu, Junjie Chen, Qingwei Lin*, Pu Zhao, Yu Kang, Hongyu Zhang, Yingfei Xiong, Feng Gao, Zhangwei Xu, Yingnong Dang, Dongmei Zhang
    In: The 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (Industry), November 8-13, 2020, Sacramento, California, United States, pages 1410–1420.
    [JOS20]Survey of Dynamic Analysis Based Program Invariant Synthesis Techniques [PDF]
    Bo Wang, Sirui Lu, Jiajun Jiang, Yingfei Xiong*
    Journal of Software (In Chinese) 2020,31(6):1681−1702
    [ASE19a]Inferring Program Transformations From Singular Examples via Big Code [PDF] [Tool] [Media]
    Jiajun Jiang, Luyao Ren, Yingfei Xiong*, Lingming Zhang
    In: The 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, November 11-15, 2019, San Diego, California, USA. pages 255-266.
    [ASE19b]Combining Spectrum-Based Fault Localization and Statistical Debugging: An Empirical Study [PDF] [Tool]
    Jiajun Jiang, Ran Wang, Yingfei Xiong*, Xiangping Chen, Lu Zhang
    In: The 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, November 11-15, 2019, San Diego, California, USA. pages 502-514.
    [SCIS19]A Manual Inspection of Defects4J Bugs and Its Implications for Automatic Program Repair [PDF] [Data]
    Jiajun Jiang, Yingfei Xiong*, Xin Xia
    Science China Information Sciences, 62(10), 200102:1–200102:16.
    [ISSTA18]Shaping Program Repair Space with Existing Patches and Similar Code [PDF] [Tool] [Poster]
    Jiajun Jiang, Yingfei Xiong*, Hongyu Zhang, Qing Gao, Xiangqun Chen
    In: The 27th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, July 16-21, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands, page 298-309.
    [ECOOP16]Transforming Programs between APIs with Many-to-Many Mappings [PDF] [Tool]
    Chenglong Wang#, Jiajun Jiang#, Jun Li#, Yingfei Xiong*, Xiangyu Luo, Lu Zhang, Zhenjiang Hu
    In: The 30th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming 2016, July 18-22, 2016, Rome, Italy, page 25:1--25:26.


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