姜 佳君 英才副教授 邮箱: |
注: 标记"#"的作者按照姓氏或名字的音序排序, 标记"*"的作者为通讯作者.
[TOSEM25] | Hybrid Automated Program Repair by Combining Large Language Models and Program Analysis [论文] 李丰杰, 姜佳君*, 孙佳骏, 张洪宇 TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2025, to appear | |
[ICSE25-C] | Evaluating the Generalizability of LLMs in Automated Program Repair [论文] 李丰杰, 姜佳君*, 孙佳骏, 张洪宇 In: The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (New Ideas and Emerging Results), April 27-May 3, 2025, Ottawa. Canada | |
[ISSTA24a] | Testing Graph Database Systems with Graph-State Persistence Oracle [论文] 刘爽, 兰军浩, 杜晓宁, 李纪元, 卢卫*, 姜佳君, 杜小勇 In: The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, September 16-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria, pages 666-677 | |
[ISSTA24b] | Fuzzing MLIR Compiler Infrastructure via Operation Dependency Analysis [论文] 索宸耀, 陈俊洁*, 刘爽, 姜佳君, 赵英全, 王建荣 In: The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, September 16-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria, pages 1287-1299 | |
[OOPSLA24] | Dependency-aware Code Naturalness [论文] 杨晨, 陈俊洁*, 姜佳君, Yuliang Huang In: Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, OOPSLA, October 20-25, 2024, California, United States, pages 2355-2377 | |
[ISSTA24c] | A Large-scale Empirical Study on Improving the Fairness of Image Classification Models [论文] [工具] 杨骏洁, 姜佳君*, 孙泽宇, 陈俊洁 In: The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, September 16-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria, pages 210-222 | |
[TOSEM24] | Mapping APIs in Dynamic-typed Programs by Leveraging Transfer Learning [论文] [工具] 黄震飞, 陈俊洁, 姜佳君*, 梁益华, 尤翰墨, 李丰杰 TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2024, 33(3):1-29 | |
[TOSEM23a] | A Post-Training Framework for Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Models via Model Transformation [论文] [工具] 姜佳君, 杨骏洁, 张颖异, 王赞, 尤翰墨, 陈俊洁* TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2023, 33(3):1-41 | |
[TOSEM23b] | Variable-Based Fault Localization via Enhanced Decision Tree [论文] [工具] 姜佳君, 王雨萌, 陈俊洁*, 吕德麟, 刘梦娇 TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2023, 33(2):1-32 | |
[ISSRE23] | Can Code Representation Boost IR-Based Test Case Prioritization [论文] 杨林, 陈俊洁*, 尤翰墨, 韩嘉晨, 姜佳君, Zhe Sun, Xinqi Lin, Fang Liang, 康雨宁 In: The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, October 9-12, 2023, Florence, Italy, pages 240-251 | |
[TOSEM23c] | Toward Understanding Deep Learning Framework Bugs [论文] 陈俊洁, 梁益华#, 沈庆超#, 姜佳君*, 李硕川 TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2023, 32(6):1-31 | |
[ISSTA23] | Silent Compiler Bug De-duplication via Three-Dimensional Analysis [论文] 杨晨, 陈俊洁*, 樊兴宇, 姜佳君, 孙军 In: The 32nd International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, July 17-21, 2023, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 677–689 | |
[ICSE23a] | Achieving Last-Mile Functional Coverage in Testing Chip Design Software Implementations [论文] 闫明, 陈俊洁*, 毛航宇, 姜佳君, 郝建业, 李行健, 田朝, 陈志超, Dong Li, Zhangkong Xian, Yanwei Guo, Wulong Liu, Bin Wang, Yuefeng Sun, Yongshun Cui In: The 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (Software Engineering in Practice), May. 14-20, 2023, Melbourne, Australia, pages 343-354 | |
[ICSE23b] | Compiler Test-Program Generation via Memoized Configuration Search [论文] 陈俊洁, 索宸耀, 姜佳君*, 陈沛圻, 李行健 In: The 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, May. 14-20, 2023, Melbourne, Australia, pages 2035–2047 | |
[ASE22] | Toward Improving the Robustness of Deep Learning Models via Model Transformation [论文] [工具] [博客] 张颖异, 王赞, 姜佳君*, 尤翰墨, 陈俊洁 In: The 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Oct. 10-14, 2022, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, pages 1-13 | |
[FSE21-C] | Accelerating Redundancy-Based Program Repair via Code Representation Learning and Adaptive Patch Filtering [论文] [博客] 杨晨, 姜佳君, 陈俊洁 In: The 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (Student Research Competition), Aug. 23-28, 2021, Athens, Greece, pages 1672-1674 学生科研竞赛本科组金牌 | |
[FSE21] | A Comprehensive Study on Learning-based PE Malware Family Classification Methods [论文] [工具] 马祎璇, 刘爽*, 姜佳君, 陈冠宏, 李克秋 In: The 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (Industry), Aug. 23-28, 2021, Athens, Greece, pages 1314-1325 | |
[ICSME21] | Interactive Patch Filtering as Debugging Aid [论文] [工具] 梁晶晶, 吉如一, 姜佳君, 周抒睿, 娄一翎, 熊英飞*, 黄罡 In: The 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, September 27 - October 1, 2021, Luxembourg City, pages 239-250 IEEE TCSE 杰出论文 | |
[ICST21] | A Large-scale Study on API Misuses in the Wild [论文] [工具] 李夏, 姜佳君*, Samuel Benton, 熊英飞, 张令明 In: The IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, April 12–16, 2021, Virtual, pages 241-252 | |
[JOS21] | 软件缺陷自动修复技术综述 [论文] 姜佳君, 陈俊洁*, 熊英飞 软件学报, 2021,32(9):2665−2690 | |
[ICSE21] | Semi-supervised Log-based Anomaly Detection via Probabilistic Label Estimation [论文] [工具] 杨林, 陈俊洁*, 王赞*, 王维靖, 姜佳君, Xuyuan Dong, Wenbin Zhang In: The 43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, May 25-28, 2021, Virtual (originally in Madrid, Spain), pages 1448-1460 | |
[FSE20] | How to Mitigate the Incident? An Effective Troubleshooting Guide Recommendation Technique for Online Service System [论文] 姜佳君, 鲁维海, 陈俊洁, 林庆维*, 赵普, 康昱, 张洪宇, 熊英飞, Feng Gao, Zhangwei Xu, 党映农, 张冬梅 In: The 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (Industry), November 8-13, 2020, Sacramento, California, United States, pages 1410–1420. | |
[JOS20] | 基于动态分析的软件不变量综合技术 [论文] 王博, 卢思睿, 姜佳君, 熊英飞* 软件学报, 2020,31(6):1681−1702 | |
[ASE19a] | Inferring Program Transformations From Singular Examples via Big Code [论文] [工具] [博客] 姜佳君, 任路遥, 熊英飞*, 张令明 In: The 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, November 11-15, 2019, San Diego, California, USA. pages 255-266. | |
[ASE19b] | Combining Spectrum-Based Fault Localization and Statistical Debugging: An Empirical Study [论文] [工具] 姜佳君, 王然, 熊英飞*, 陈湘萍, 张路 In: The 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, November 11-15, 2019, San Diego, California, USA. pages 502-514. | |
[SCIS19] | A Manual Inspection of Defects4J Bugs and Its Implications for Automatic Program Repair [论文] [数据] 姜佳君, 熊英飞*, 夏鑫 中国科学 (英文版), 62(10), 200102:1–200102:16. | |
[ISSTA18] | Shaping Program Repair Space with Existing Patches and Similar Code [论文] [工具] [海报] 姜佳君, 熊英飞*, 张洪宇, 高庆, 陈向群 In: The 27th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, July 16-21, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands, page 298-309. | |
[ECOOP16] | Transforming Programs between APIs with Many-to-Many Mappings [论文] [工具] 汪成龙#, 姜佳君#, 李军#, 熊英飞*, 罗翔宇, 张路, 胡振江 In: The 30th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming 2016, July 18-22, 2016, Rome, Italy, page 25:1--25:26. |