由中国计算机学会软件工程专委会主办,北京大学承办的第四届软件工程青年学者沙龙将于2017年8月5日中午-8月6日下午在北京举办。软件工程青年学者沙龙旨在促进国内关注软件工程研究的青年学者间的交流。沙龙主要内容包括:科研方法论坛,成果交流论坛,研究生论坛,Panel Discussion等。
7月10日 | 信息由中国计算机学会软件工程专委会主办,北京大学承办的第四届软件工程青年学者沙龙将于2017年8月5日中午-8月6日下午在北京举办。软件工程青年学者沙龙旨在促进国内关注软件工程研究的青年学者间的交流。沙龙主要内容包括:科研方法论坛,成果交流论坛,研 |
注册截止日期 | 2017年7月27日 |
研究生论坛报告报名截止日期 | 2017年7月23日 |
青年学者沙龙日期 | 2017年8月5日中午-8月6日下午 |
报告人简介:陈林,博士,副教授,现为南京大学软件质量研究所成员,主要研究方向为软件分析、测试。与合作者一起在ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology、IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 等期刊和ICSE、FSE等会议上发表论文多篇。主持和参与了多项国家、省部级项目,并曾多次获得省部级科技进步一、二等奖.
报告题目:Security Assessment of Mobile Apps
报告摘要:The massive success of app economy and the rapid growth of smartphone penetration pose lucrative and profitable targets for attackers. On one hand, mobile malware conducts various malicious activities and causes severe impact on users and mobile networks, such as leaking users’ private information, causing victims financial loss and excessive charges, and depleting network resources. On the other hand, short development cycles and insufficient security development guidelines have led to many vulnerable apps that can be exploited by attackers to compromise the smartphone. In this talk, I will first introduce how we investigate mobile apps from four aspects, namely, dynamic behavior analysis, static bytecode analysis, meta-data analysis, and network traffic analysis. Then, I will describe our recent work that leverages mobile app analysis to detect malware, discover vulnerabilities, and reveal various issues.
报告人简介:罗夏朴现为香港理工大学研究助理教授,其研究兴趣包含移动应用安全,网络安全和隐私,网络性能测量和评估等。其于香港理工大学获得博士学位并于乔治亚理工大学进行博士后研究。其研究成果发表在重要国际学术会议和杂志上,如USENIX, SEC, NDSS, ICSE, USENIX ATC, DSN, INFOCOM, TSE, TIFS, TDSC, JSAC等,及业界安全会议上,如BlackHat, HITCON, XCON等。其获得ATIS'17 Best Paper Award, ISSRE'16 Best Research Paper Award, IFIP SEC'07 Best Student Paper Award,以及CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟基金优秀奖。
报告人简介:刘譞哲,博士,北京大学信息科学技术学院副教授,主要研究方向包括系统软件、移动计算、服务计算等。近年来在TSE、TMC、TOIS、TOIT、WWW、UbiComp、ICSE、OOPSLA等国际期刊和会议上发表学术论文 30 余篇,其中CCF A类论文10余篇;获3次国际会议最佳论文奖和2次最佳论文奖提名;博士学位论文《基于社区的服务组装技术研究》获 2011 年全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖、2010 年中国计算机学会优秀博士论文奖;作为主要完成人获得教育部科技进步一等奖(排名第3);研制的关键技术以通过专利转化方式应用于央企、政府、互联网等多个领域,取得良好社会经济效益。担任国际服务学会青年科学家论坛中国区主席;国际会议CollaborateCom 2016共同主席;国际会议KDD、ICSE、CIKM、ICDCS、ICSOC、ICWS等程序委员会成员;Journal of Computer Science and Technology特邀编辑(Guest Editor);CCF学术工作委员会秘书、委员;CCF服务计算专委会委员;中国电子学会青年科学家俱乐部云计算大数据专委会秘书长。
报告题目:Contract-base Program Repair without the Contracts
报告摘要:As part of the effort towards improving software correctness and reducing maintenance costs, research on automated program repair (APR) has attracted a lot of attention in the past few years. Among the first APR techniques, generate-and-validate APR proposes fixes by first generating a large amount of candidate fixes and then validating them via regression testing. AutoFix is a generate-and-validate APR developed for the Eiffel programming language, and it reported high success rates in fixing faults from real-world programs. Since AutoFix exploits program contracts (i.e., method pre-/postconditions and class invariants) in fix generation and validation, its success has been mostly attributed to the extra information provided by contracts.In this talk, I will first present the AutoFix APR technique, then show that the rationale behind AutoFix could be naturally adapted and effectively applied to fixing faults in Java programs, which typically do not have contracts. We developed a prototype implementation of the adapted technique, called JAID. In experiments with real-world faults from the DEFECTS4J benchmark, JAID produced genuinely correct repairs, equivalent to those written by programmers, for 18 bugs---improving over the state of the art of comparable Java APR techniques in the number and kinds of correct fixes.
报告人简介:Dr Pei received his bachelor's degree in Computer Science in 1999 and his first PhD in Computer Science in 2004, both from Nanjing University, China. From 2004 to 2009, he was an Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Information Technology in Macau University of Science and Technology. In 2015, he obtained his second PhD in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, Switzerland.Dr Pei's primary research goals aim at facilitating the production of high quality software systems in the real world. He has published over a dozen of peer reviewed papers in journals like IEEE TSE, and top tier conferences including ICSE, ASE, ISSTA, and VMCAI. His future research plans are directed towards advancing the techniques to automatically test and repair software systems developed in mainstream programming languages and providing tool support for their practical application.
报告题目:Boosting Complete-code Tools for Partial Program Analysis and its Applications
郑子彬,中山大学数据科学与计算机学院副教授,软件工程系主任。曾发表ESI高被引论文2篇、ACM/IEEE Transactions 26篇、获得CCF A类及B类国际学术会议最佳论文奖2次、最佳论文奖提名2次,论文谷歌学术引用超过4300次,H-Index为34。曾获得青年珠江学者、ACM中国新星提名奖、香港中文大学青年学者论文奖;国际软件工程大会(ICSE)ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award;国际Web服务大会(ICWS)最佳学生论文奖;担任International Journal of Services Computing的Associate Editor-in-Chief、担任CollaborateCom'16 General Co-Chair、IoV'14 PC Co-Chair、及担任国际服务学会中国青年科学家论坛首任主席。
1. 如何做有影响的研究?
嘉宾列表(按姓名首字母排序) | |
江贺 | 大连理工大学软件工程理论与技术研究所 |
刘辉 | 北京理工大学计算机学院 |
孙猛 | 北京大学数学科学学院 |
王千祥 | 华为科技公司 |
谢涛 | 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校计算机科学系 |
2. 安卓应用测试人机大战比赛方案讨论。
研究生论坛主要提供研究生相互交流的机会,采用“报名-遴选”的形式进行。主题涵盖软件工程的所有相关议题,如需求工程、软件设计与实现、软件分析、软件测试、软件维护、项目管理等。报名研究生需同时报名参加论坛。研究生论坛的形式为海报交流,请报名参加研究生论坛的同学在7月30日之前将展示的海报PDF文件发送到邮箱yueruru [AT] pku.edu.cn。
报告题目:Automated Synthesis of Semantic Malware Signatures using Maximum Satisfiability (NDSS'17)
报告人:Yu Feng
Yu Feng is a final year Ph.D. candidate at UT Austin advised by Isil Dillig and he was a member of the STAMP group led by Alex Aiken. Yu has interests spanning programming languages, security, and software engineering. For instance, he has published topics about Android Malware Detection (fse'14, ndss'17), Program Synthesis (popl'17, pldi'17) and Program Analysis (oopsla'15, aplas'15).
In response to the rapid dissemination of Android malware, there is a real need for tools that can automatically detect malicious applications that steal private user information. In this talk, I will discuss how to automatically perform semantics-based malware detection through static analysis. Specifically, I will present a technique for automatically synthesizing malware signatures from very few samples of a malware family. The key idea underlying our technique is to look for a maximally suspicious common subgraph (MSCS) that is shared between all known instances of a malware family.
关键字:synthesis, malware signature, MaxSAT
报告题目:A Comprehensive Study on Real World Concurrency Bugs in Node.js (ASE'17)
Jie Wang, a 3rd year Phd student from Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS). Her advisors are Jun Wei and Wensheng Dou. Her research interests focus on program analysis, especially testing and debugging javascript applications. She has now published 4 first author papers, in issre'15, jss, fse'16 - SRC, and ase'17 respectively.
Node.js becomes increasingly popular in building server-side JavaScript applications. Node.js adopts an event-driven model, which supports asynchronous I/O and non-deterministic event processing. This asynchrony and non-determinism can introduce intricate concurrency bugs, and leads to unpredictable behaviors. An in-depth understanding of real world concurrency bugs in Node.js applications will significantly promote effective techniques in bug detection, testing and fixing for Node.js.
In this paper, we present a comprehensive study on real world concurrency bugs in Node.js applications. Specifically, we have carefully studied 57 real bug cases from open-source Node.js applications, and analyzed their bug characteristics, e.g., bug patterns and root causes, bug impacts, bug manifestation, and fix strategies. Through this study, we obtain several interesting findings, which may open up many new research directions in combating concurrency bugs in Node.js. For example, one finding is that two thirds of the bugs are caused by atomicity violation. However, due to lack of locks and transaction mechanism, Node.js cannot easily express and guarantee atomic intention.
关键字:JavaScript, Node.js, event-driven, concurrency bug, empirical study
报告题目:系统集成测试中测试预警原因自动分析技术 (What Causes My Test Alarm? Automatic Cause Analysis for Test Alarms in System and Integration Testing, ICSE'17)
Driven by new software development process and testing on clouds, system and integration testing nowadays tends to produce enormous number of alarms. Such test alarms lay an almost unbearable burden on software testing engineers who have to manually analyze the causes of these alarms. The causes are critical because they decide which stakeholders are responsible to fix the bugs detected during the testing. In this paper, we present a novel approach that aims to relieve the burden by automating the procedure. Our approach, called Cause Analysis Model, exploits information retrieval techniques to efficiently infer test alarm causes based on test logs. We have developed a prototype and evaluated our tool on two industrial datasets with more than 14,000 test alarms. Experiments on the two datasets show that our tool achieves an accuracy of 58.3% and 65.8%, respectively, which outperforms the baseline algorithms by up to 13.3%. Our algorithm is also extremely efficient, spending about 0.1s per cause analysis. Due to the attractive experimental results, our industrial partner, a leading information and communication technology company in the world, has deployed the tool and it achieves an average accuracy of 72% after two months’ running, nearly three times more accurate than a previous strategy based on regular expressions.
关键字:software testing, system and integration testing, test alarm analysis, multiclass classification
报告题目:一种无监督的API解释教程片段推荐方法 (An Unsupervised Approach for Discovering Relevant Tutorial Fragments for APIs, ICSE'17)
张静宣,男,大连理工大学博士研究生,博士三年级在读,研究方向为软件仓库挖掘,软件数据分析。2008年到2012年大连理工大学读本科,2012年至今大连理工大学硕博连读,导师为江贺教授。目前已发表论文7篇,包含ICSE 2017,SANER 2016,Internetware 2014等国际会议,SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,IJSEKE,Journal of Heuristics,Journal of Computer Research and Development等期刊。2016年获大连理工大学优秀研究生,2015年获大连理工大学博士生一等学业奖学金,2014年到新加坡管理大学做研究助理。
Developers increasingly rely on API tutorials to facilitate software development. However, it remains a challenging task for them to discover relevant API tutorial fragments explaining unfamiliar APIs. Existing supervised approaches suffer from the heavy burden of manually preparing corpus-specific annotated data and features. In this study, we propose a novel unsupervised approach, namely Fragment Recommender for APIs with PageRank and Topic model (FRAPT). FRAPT can well address two main challenges lying in the task and effectively determine relevant tutorial fragments for APIs. In FRAPT, a Fragment Parser is proposed to identify APIs in tutorial fragments and replace ambiguous pronouns and variables with related ontologies and API names, so as to address the pronoun and variable resolution challenge. Then, a Fragment Filter employs a set of non-explanatory detection rules to remove non-explanatory fragments, thus address the non-explanatory fragment identification challenge. Finally, two correlation scores are achieved and aggregated to determine relevant fragments for APIs, by applying both topic model and PageRank algorithm to the retained fragments. Extensive experiments over two publicly open tutorial corpora show that, FRAPT improves the state-of-the-art approach by 8.77% and 12.32% respectively in terms of F-Measure. The effectiveness of key components of FRAPT is also validated.
安全漏洞检测是保障软件安全性的重要手段.随着互联网的发展,黑客的攻击手段日趋多样化,且攻击技术不断翻新,使软件安全受到了新的威胁.本文描述了当前软件中实际存在的一种新类型的安全漏洞隐患,我们称之 为数值稳定性相关的安全漏洞隐患.由于黑客可以利用该类漏洞绕过现有的防护措施,且已有的数值稳定性分析方 法很难检测到该类漏洞的存在,因而这一新类型的漏洞隐患十分危险.面对这一挑战,本文首先从数值稳定性引起软件行为改变的角度定义了数值稳定性相关的安全漏洞隐患,并给出了对应的自动化检测方法.该方法基于动静态相 结合的程序分析与符号执行技术,通过数值变量符号式提取、静态攻击流程分析、以及高精度动态攻击验证三个步骤,来检测和分析软件中可能存在的数值稳定性相关安全漏洞.我们在业界多个著名开源软件上进行了实例研究,实验结果表明,本文方法能够有效检测到实际软件中真实存在的数值稳定性相关漏洞隐患.
报告题目:Mining Feature-Opinion from Reviews Based on Dependency Parsing
Manually read all the product reviews to find a satisfying item is not only labor-intensive, but also tedious for the consumers. In this paper, we propose a feature-opinion mining approach to automatically summarize the reviews, which is based on dependency parsing. Specifically, in our approach we first utilize a regression model to generate sentiment word, including phrase and its sentiment weight, and then we extract feature based on the dependency relationship between feature word and sentiment word, finally we assign score to feature according to the dependency relationship. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach can effectively mine the feature-opinion from reviews.
(持续更新中,如有疏漏请联系 jiajun.jiang [AT] pku.edu.cn,下列名单按注册先后排序)沙龙举办地址
Route from Beijing-Capital International Airport(北京首都国际机场)
方案一 : 乘出租车约 1 小时(约 36 公里),从首都国际机场到北京大学东南门,进校直行 200 米。打车费用约 110 元。
方案二 : 乘公共交通约 1 小时 20 分钟(参考路线):
- ① 乘坐 机场线(首都国际机场-东直门方向),在三元桥站下车;
- ② 三元桥站换乘 地铁10号线(外环),在地铁海淀黄庄站下车;
- ③ 海淀黄庄站换乘 地铁4号线(天宫院-安河桥北方向),在地铁北京大学东门站下车,从 D 口出站;
- ④ 向南走 200 米到北京大学东南门,进校直走200米即到。
Route from Bejing Railway Station (北京火车站)
方案一 : 乘出租车约 45 分钟 (约 20 公里), 从北京站到北京大学东南门,进校直行 200 米。打车费约 60 元。
方案二 : 乘公共交通约 50 分钟 (参考路线) :
- ① 乘坐 地铁2号线(内环),到西直门站(或宣武门站)下车;
- ② 西直门或宣武门站换乘 地铁4号线(天宫院-安河桥北方向),在北京大学东门站下车,从 D 口出站;
- ③ 向南走 200 米到北京大学东南门,进校直走200米即到。
Route from Beijing South Railway Station (北京南站)
方案一 : 乘出租车约 50 分钟 (约 23 公里), 从北京南站到北京大学东南门,进校直行 200 米。打车费约 70 元。
方案二 : 乘公共交通约 46 分钟 (参考路线) :
- ① 乘坐 地铁4号线(天宫院-安河桥北方向),在北京大学东门站下车,从 D 口出站
- ② 向南走 200 米到北京大学东南门,进校直走200米即到。
Route from Beijing West Railway Station (北京西站)
方案一 : 乘出租车约 35 分钟 (约 14 公里), 从北京西站到北京大学东南门,进校直行 200 米。打车费约 45 元。
方案二 : 乘公共交通约 35 分钟 (参考路线) :
- ① 乘坐 地铁9号线(郭公庄-国家图书馆方向),在国家图书馆站下车
- ② 在国家图书馆站换乘 地铁4号线(天宫院-安河桥北方向),在北京大学东门站下车,从 D 口出站;
- ③ 向南走 200 米到北京大学东南门,进校直走200米即到。
姓名 | 电子邮件 |
熊英飞 | xiong.yingfei [AT] gmail.com |
悦茹茹 | yueruru [AT] pku.edu.cn |
王博 | wangbo_pku_15 [AT] 163.com |
姜佳君 | jiajun.jiang [AT] pku.edu.cn |
梁晶晶 | ljjaxeabc [AT] 126.com |
2017年8月5日 | |
12:00- | 注册 |
13:15-13:30 | 开场(熊英飞) |
移动与服务计算分会场(主持人:王浩宇) | |
13:30-14:00 | 基于用户交互行为学习的移动应用与服务优化(刘譞哲) |
14:00-14:30 | Security Assessment of Mobile Apps(罗夏朴) |
14:30-15:00 | 软件可靠性:从服务计算到区块链(郑子彬) |
15:00-15:30 | 休息 |
缺陷检测分会场(主持人:张涛) | |
15:30-16:00 | 跨项目缺陷的分析与理解(陈林) |
16:00-16:30 | 函数参数的文本分析及其应用(刘辉) |
16:30-17:00 | 现场讨论:安卓应用测试人机大战(房春荣) |
17:00-18:00 | 研究生论坛(海报交流) |
18:00-19:30 | 晚餐 |
2017年8月6日 | |
科研方法分会场(主持人:陈湘萍) | |
8:30-9:00 | 我眼中的软件工程研究(熊英飞) |
9:00-9:30 | 浅谈如何做软件工程研究(江贺) |
9:30-10:00 | Boosting Complete-code Tools for Partial Program Analysis and its Applications(钟浩) |
10:00-10:30 | 休息 |
研究影响力分会场(主持人:熊英飞) | |
10:30-11:00 | 规划和开展产业影响力的研究(谢涛) |
11:00-12:00 | 现场讨论: 如何做有影响的研究 |
12:00-13:30 | 午餐 |
程序修复与综合分会场(主持人:刘勇) | |
13:30-14:00 | Contract-base Program Repair without the Contracts(裴玉) |
14:00-14:30 | 如何写好软件工程文章(张路) |
14:30-15:00 | Automated Synthesis of Semantic Malware Signatures using Maximum Satisfiability(冯煜) |
15:00-15:10 | 闭幕(江贺) |